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Genuine JBH

Feb 22, 2021

When times get tough simply inject a Marvin and Rosie story about their home of many years burning to the ground and the perseverance and life lessons learned from it over the past 31 years. You are guaranteed to feel better within the hour. I promise.

Feb 15, 2021

This episode features a Twenty Something specializing in agri-tourism thinking way outside the box with everything he does.  Listen as he talks about the 14 species of animals he has and the development of his phenomenal new dog boarding facility.

Feb 8, 2021

This week's episode of Twenty Somethings features Ryan Ewing of Ewing Shine Shop, an outside the box niche business that should be very intriguing to listeners of all ages and walks of life. 

Feb 3, 2021

This is the launch episode of a brand new Genuine JBH venture called BRAND IDENTITY. Listen in as JBH helps tell the story of Raml Cattle of Goodwin, SD with Phil, Adam, and Grant Raml.

Feb 1, 2021

This week's episode is sure to be an absolute favorite of many, not only in the swine industry but all who love the livestock production history. Our Genuine Legends are Chuck and Ben Olsen of Irene, South Dakota, whose integrity and success of breeding quality stock is second to none